Over $30 billion dollars in aerospace assets which have been treated with Permagard are currently operating around the world, ranging from privately owned single engine prop planes to the newest wide-body commercial aircraft. Our high-performance, environmentally safe protective coatings have been engineered to enhance and maintain a like-new appearance for the lifetime of the paint for all aircraft.
For over twenty years, our cutting-edge research and development laboratories have been leading the industry and PERMAGARD is today considered the standard in aviation protective coating solutions.
The Permagard Aerospace Coating is so slick to the touch that previous frequent washes – wet and dry -are replaced by low cost – low man hour wipe downs, without compromise on aircraft appearance.
The significant value added by the Permagard durable wet look and the deep gloss of external surfaces stand for best industry standard which continuously communicate the superior image of the operator and its brand.
The trademark PERMAGARD shine did not come about by accident. It is the result of years of research and testing. Permagard is a reactive polymer coating that chemically bonds to the pores of the paintwork to seal and protect the surface. As the treated surface cures, the plasticized molecules elongate, interlocking with each other, resulting in a tough bonded protective coating maintaining a durable high gloss finish. Permagard is not a wax and does not create repaint issues.