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How CNC Optical Fiber Laser is changing the aviation industry

Just a few decades ago, when flights were a true luxury experience, aircraft companies spent millions of dollars in keeping their aircraft in perfect airworthy condition, especially when it came down to aircraft fuselage parts and components. Still even today there is a great challenge for other industry areas like logistics in which equipment lifetime and production is an ever-concerning issue.

But, technology has changed everything and today we have some great options that help aircraft operators to stay up to date, complying with airworthy directives and making profits.

CNC Optical Fiber Laser is one of them. A revolutionary cutting process that allows reliable, affordable and customizable parts production.

Thanks to its CNC system, Optical Fiber Laser cut can work with heavy materials, being the perfect option for creating custom made aircraft parts. Of course, this technology can mass produce new designs too.

"We have seen CNC Optical Fiber Laser transform industries and help business reach new levels", says Jesús Treviño, CEO of Stanser, a Mexican based CNC distributor company that has become a reference in the market.

As he points out, when it comes down to the aircraft industry, reliable machinery is crucial as your full operation can be impacted by it both for good or bad.

Options are wide and the company offers different CNC machinery ranging from Optical Fiber Laser to CO2 Laser, Router and Plasma cutters. Depending on the equipment a wide variety of materials can be processed including aluminum, steel, wood and many more.

In years to come, we will see how the industry profits from this ever evolving technology that is changing the way we maintain and improve aircrafts.

Learn more about CNC Optical Fiber Laser and CNC available equipment here.

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